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Sparks Program

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Ignite the SPARKS for each Student’s Potential for Achievement Resiliency Kinship Support.

The goal is to provide another intervention that provides extra time and support to help close the achievement and opportunity gap for kids who have academic and financial need. The program is designed for those students who may miss out on other opportunities due to lack of transportation or financial issues. Each student who enrolls in SPARKS will have a personalized learning plan with input from the student, their parents, and teachers. The program is free to students who receive an invitation, thanks to funding from Orono Healthy Youth, private donations and the Minnesota Targeted Services program.

The Orono SPARKS after school program is starting again soon! Licensed teachers and site coordinator will manage this program with the help of adult and high school age volunteers from the community.

What:                   Tutoring, academic help, adult mentors, fun enrichment activities, for Kindergarten-8th grade students

When:                  Tuesday and Thursday after school, October through May

Middle School students 3-4:30 pm

Elementary students 4-5 pm

Where:                 Calvin Presbyterian Church

How can congregations help? We need volunteers; consider participating even one day a week or as a substitute. Contact Genna Torney at #952-449-8338 x6350 or gtorney@orono.k12.mn.us